Friday, December 28, 2007

Holiday Happiness

My holiday really felt like it started on December 26th when I traveled to Kentucky
to spend a few days with my sister's family. As anyone who has stepped foot into my office surely knows, I adore my niece, Carly, and my nephew, Cole. So, coming down to share in some of their Christmas excitement was better than I can put into words. Santa came to see the kids and they were happy to show me their new toys so that we could play together. They also liked some of the gifts from "Aunt Bri." One of the gifts I brought Carly was a dress that had a matching dress for her babydoll. She thought she should be in a magazine - The internet is the closest that I can do for her.

I also bought them each hooded towels like animals and Cole loves his bath time along with brushing his teeth so hanging out in his dog towel was a hit. I hope you had happiness in the simple moments of being together with your families. Sadly, I return to Columbus tomorrow, but I am thankful for the time I was able to spend in Kentucky.

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