Sunday, December 2, 2007

Greetings from Colorado

Hello! I made it to Colorado Springs safe and sound. We had our orientation meeting tonight and met the other people attending the conference. Should be interesting. I'm looking forward to all of the information and speakers that they have planned for us. After hearing the agenda I suspect that my favorite part will be when we are paired up with a current cadet and attend a class with them and have lunch with them. That is slated for Tuesday. As I mentioned I will be updating about the conference and what I learn since this is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of opportunity. In the meantime however, I also wanted to remind you of some school details that are more pressing for you...

Tomorrow (Monday) is a late start day! Enjoy sleeping in for the morning!

Also, don't forget that you have an assembly schedule on Wednesday. I will be anxious to hear how the speaker's presentation went - I am sure it will be interesting.

Have a great week!

By the way - I did NOT take this picture, but it is a picture of Pike's Peak which I see out of my hotel window. Check back in tomorrow for more updates and hopefully pictures from my visit to campus.

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