Wednesday, December 19, 2007

College Life Panel

Today at school the seniors had the opportunity to listen to a panel of current college freshman who graduated from WKHS last year talk about what life at college. Five students returned to share their insights - Matt Roy from OSU, Danielle Miller from Ashland, Kevin Patterson from OU, John Coleman from University of Miami (FL), and Michaela Minichello from the University of Dayton. Clearly they had different sizes of schools in different areas and had unique experiences to kick off their college years.

John was the only one of "my" former students, but I was thankful that each of them volunteered their time to talk with the seniors. I have had several opportunities to talk to (or e-mail with) many of my past students to hear about college life and each time I have the chance to hear more about their transition to college I always feel it is beneficial. As a result I was glad that the seniors are given the opportunity to have a little time out of class to benefit from their insights as well. I'd guess that my favorite pieces of advice were to keep your door open when in your room as it is a great way to start meeting other people, go to class, and reach out to your professors for extra help.

I also appreciated Alex DiBartola and Jon Roullard (Senior Class President and Vice-
President) serving as hosts and asking questions of the panel participants. They did a great job... and because Alex guilted Jon into dressing up and then didn't dress up after all I have to compliment Jon for looking so nice. Thanks Alex and Jon - I really appreciated your help in pulling off today's assembly!

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