Friday, November 30, 2007


Barely... just in the knick of time... not a moment too soon... We made it! Tomorrow is December 1st and all of the applications that are due by December 1st that were turned in and required recommendation letters are officially DONE! :-) Yeah! I am so relieved. It took all day to get the last letter done and all of the forms completed and I will be driving the four applications that I didn't get turned in before the end of the day to the post office myself tomorrow, but thank goodness they are done! Hopefully you submitted your electronic components today too and are able to sit back and relax... at least until the next deadline.

Don't forget, I am heading to the US Air Force Academy on Sunday and will not return until Thursday evening. I will be back at school Friday morning. While gone I do plan to blog about my trip and whatever else happens to seem appropriate. If I am able, I will also check my work e-mail from Colorado so you can leave a note and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. I hope you have a nice weekend and a wonderful week!

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