Monday, November 5, 2007

Report Cards

Today we were told that the report cards will be ready on Wednesday. So, on Wednesday, there will be a walk through home room period where you will head to your homeroom just long enough to pick up your report card and then make your way to class as usual. Don't forget, you really do need to take these home to your parents because if your mom or dad want/ need to set up appointments for parent/ teacher conferences they will want to schedule them ASAP. In case you were curious, parent/ teacher conferences will be next Monday and Thursday nights - the 12th and 15th from 5:30 - 9:00pm. If you are struggling with any classes you might want to consider asking your parents to meet with your teacher. It could help make a difference.

I won't be at school tomorrow, but plan to be back Wednesday. See you then.

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