Monday, October 1, 2007

Lots of Random Updates for you:

I previously mentioned that registration for the PSAT was starting this week ($14.00 payable to WKHS) in the Counseling and Career Center. In that update I mentioned the PSAT prep program that I had read about on the College Admissions Counseling blog. The gentleman who maintains that blog sent me two additional PSAT prep sites so that I would be able to share them with you. The first (which should hopefully be obvious to you) is the CollegeBoard website. The second is the Test Prep Review. He said that on this website after completing a self assessment students can proceed to the self improvement directory that is linked at the bottom of the PSAT practice page. I don’t know about you, but I thought it was great that because I am updating this blog for all of you that someone was able to provide me with more information that can help you prepare for the PSAT!

If you still need to take the SAT, please remember that tomorrow (October 2nd) is the last day to register for the November test at regular rates. Please register NOW if you still need to take the test!

Don’t forget that tomorrow night (Tuesday) is the Minority/ Multicultural College Planning Night at WKHS from 6:30 – 8:30pm. Wednesday night is the Columbus Suburban College Fair at Otterbein. (Yes, I know that it is a bit of an overwhelming experience, but if you are lost and/or trying to figure out where to get started then this is a great first step.) Just to give you something to look forward to – tomorrow night I will update the blog with helpful hints for making the most of college fairs. :-) Bet you can't wait!

Recently we were also informed that West Virginia University at Morgantown has agreed to accept at West Virginia resident tuition rates, any Ohio resident who satisfies all regular admission requirements in 18 different programs. There is more information about this news in the WVU folder in the Counseling and Career Center.

OK, well, I am now off to write recommendation letters… or letter. I would be VERY happy to successfully write one tonight. Wish me luck…

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