Thursday, October 4, 2007

Kilbourne News Updates

Did you miss me? I worked *really* late at school yesterday so I didn’t get home in time to update my blog. I figured you would give me a break… My goal is to update the site at least 5 of the 7 days a week, but I have been making a conscious effort to try to update 6 days a week. (Yes, I do like the theory of under-promise and over-perform!)

Tonight I had the opportunity to attend the first WKHS play of the new school year. It was very cute and I enjoyed it… even if it meant I had to miss Grey’s Anatomy.

A couple of school details for you:

Interims should be mailed home tomorrow. (Please, if you are struggling in a class, talk to your teachers and also with me to help create a plan for turning things around. Don’t let it get to the point where you cannot pass a class to suddenly start caring.)

Monday is a late-start day so you will be able to sleep in! (I am so jealous.)

Juniors, don’t forget that you can register now for the PSAT by bringing a check for $14.00 (payable to WKHS) to the Counseling and Career Center. The test is Wednesday, October 17th and you will miss your morning classes, but you are responsible for making up any missed work.

I understand quite a few of you attended the Columbus Suburban College Fair… did you meet representatives from any interesting schools?

Well, I am returning to the land of recommendation letters… again… See you tomorrow.

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