Monday, October 29, 2007

Helpful Reminders

Seniors - if you are applying to a four-year college the last deadline to take the SAT is tomorrow (October 30th) and the final deadline for the ACT is this Friday (November 2nd). These are the regular deadline dates for the upcoming December tests.

Sophomores - register for the PLAN test! The test is this Friday morning and it costs $10.00. As of today there were just under 90 students registered to take the test. Unless all 90 are "my" kids - this is WAY too low. Please, I strongly encourage you to take this test. I honestly believe that the ACT practice and the career search components will be useful to you in the future.

Everyone - The first nine weeks ends this Thursday, November 1st. Friday is a late start day. Report cards will be distributed during homerooms on the 9th.

I'd also like to take a moment to compliment the students who are members of the Kilbourne Band program for your outstanding concert tonight. It was very enjoyable. Your commitment and hard work was clear to everyone in the audience. Well done!

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