Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th

September 11th (2001) was one of those “huge” moments in my life when I realized the world was more dangerous than the little bubble in which I lived and functioned. I will always remember where I was and what was happening as we watched the towers come crashing to the ground. I can’t believe it was 6 years ago – and even more than that – I struggle to think that you were between 8 and 10 years old at the time… (Wow, do I feel old!)

So today, a day of remembrance for those who lost their lives on that tragic filled day, already had special meaning to me – especially every time I saw a flag at half staff. (I feel this is such a powerful display of respect so it always catches my attention.)

Today was also special because one of my former students from last year, Joda Dotson, stopped in to visit. Joda graduated in June and a week later headed off to Marine Corps boot camp. He survived the 13 weeks of intense training and graduated last Friday. He is home on his 10 days of leave and spent a little time at the school today. (As you can see in the picture - he is so skinny - there is barely anything left of him!) I am so proud of him and what he has already accomplished! If you are at the football game on Friday night and see Joda (he plans to attend) be sure to tell him congratulations. For me, his visit felt even more poignant since it fell on September 11th.

After school I took the opportunity to watch a few more sports – JV and Varsity Soccer and Varsity Volleyball. All three teams won which was great! (At least I think JV Soccer won their game – there isn’t a scoreboard and I was late leaving my office to get out to the field for the start of the game, but I only saw Kilbourne score goals…) I really do enjoy having a chance to see you participating in all of the different opportunities that are available at WKHS. It was the perfect way to end the day!

I also wanted to give you a heads up that I will not be in the office tomorrow. We have the annual college articulation meeting (where all of the Ohio colleges – public and private – give us a quick overview on what we need to know to help you with your applications) so I will be off learning all that I can to be as helpful as possible. Hope it is a good day and I will see you on Thursday!

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