Saturday, September 1, 2007

Save The Date

Hi! I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend.

I have a couple of important dates for you to know about...

The first is Tuesday, September 25th from 7:00 - 9:00pm. This evening is for Seniors and their parents at WKHS. Each counselor will be meeting as a group with their senior students and the parents to discuss more of the specifics about the college application process. I know many of you are well on your way with your college applications, but there is still a lot that you will want to know.

The next key date is the Columbus Suburban College Fair - Wednesday, October 3rd from 6:00 - 8:45pm at Otterbein College. This is the biggest and best college fair in our area and I cannot tell you how useful it can be to meet with college representatives from across the country as you start your search process. Remember, this event is for students of ALL grades and NOT just seniors!

The day before the Columbus Suburban College Fair (October 2nd) is a Multicultural College Fair that will be held at WKHS. About 30 minority admsissions representatives will be at WKHS to meet with students from Central Ohio about their opportunities.

Congratulations to the Wolves Football team on another thrilling victory last night. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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