Friday, August 10, 2007

A Start...

Hello! I hope you have had a great summer. Not sure if you are looking forward to the start of the 2007-2008 school year or not, but, if you are like me you wouldn't mind having a few more weeks of summer. :-) Oh well, it will be great to get back to WKHS and see all of you and hear about the great things you did this summer! (That is what I am looking forward to - so don't forget to stop by and give me a quick update!)

Yesterday I went to a conference for school counselors. There were 2 sessions - the morning session dealt with internet safety and it was a presentation by a detective who specializes in internet crimes. Scary Stuff! So, I would like to make a request of each of you - if you have a site on MySpace or Facebook or any other social network, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE mark it private and be very cautious giving access to people you do not know. And, of course, be careful with the content you share online.

The afternoon session dealt with using technology to more effectively communicate with students and after sitting there thinking about how I could interact with you about current happenings I figured I would start a blog. This is my first adventure into anything like this (I know... I'm old and clueless) so you will have to help me out and be patient as I learn. I hope you will comment and stop in and give me suggestions when you see me at school. (Of course, as you know, this is a blog so you won't be able to access it on school computers and I won't be able to update it at school.)

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

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