Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Let the Fun Begin...

Well, I survived my first day! :-) I'm sure you were worried. I made it through all of the Senior and Junior course verification sheets to double check that everyone (especially all of the seniors) have the courses needed for graduation. I have a stack sitting next to me of 175 pages of paper which are all of my sophomore sheets that I will get through tonight so that I can make those changes tomorrow. Believe it or not they will be printing your schedules THIS week for you to pick up next week. :-) See, it won't be long and you will all be joining me at school! I can't wait for that since you are the ones who make my job worthwhile.

In case you were not aware, schedule pick up days are next week.

Sophomores - Tuesday, August 21: 8:30 - 11:30

Seniors - Tuesday, August 21: 12:30 - 3:30 (See they are already spoiling you by letting you sleep in late!)

Juniors - Wednesday, August 22: 8:30 - 11:30

(In case you have Freshmen siblings or neighbors they pick up their schedules on Monday.)

Being back at school I was definitely hearing of things that some of you will want to know... the most important being the fact that the Senior Class of 2008's Graduation date had to be changed. You will now graduate on Sunday, June 8th instead of the 1st. I know, it stinks, but evidently there was a state rule that changed and said Seniors can be exempted from no more than 3 days of the school year and if you were to graduate on the 1st you'd miss 5 days which can't work SO... let the complaining begin just don't shoot the messenger. :-)

I have lots more that I am excited to talk to you about, but it will have to wait for another day since I am buried under all this paperwork...

PS - Larwin, Thanks - You win the prize for being the first one to leave me a comment - Come see me next Tuesday when you pick up your schedule! :-)
AND - I need any of my "Technology Savvy" students to HELP ME!!! This blog is a new concept for me and I cannot figure out how to put the picture in a particular place - it always ends up at the top of the post instead of where I want it. If you have suggestions I am all ears! Thanks!

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