Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Day of School

You all survived your first day back at school. I hope it went well and that you liked your classes. My guess is that if you didn't like your classes you made your way to my office to see if you could change it. :-) Seems like I saw some of you after every class.

I was so glad to have you all back in the building - you bring such energy and enthusiasm to the school and Kilbourne was definitely filled with life today. It was great to see so many of you again after the summer and I *loved* that some people stopped by just to say hi. I also had the chance to meet quite a few Sophomores who are new students to me this year and the day ended with a few of my past graduates stopping by to see me again before they head off for college - all in all a great day!

So, for those of you who didn't stop by my office today - I think it is worth reminding you that I have candy and toys in my office and you are always welcome to come by and say hello! I want to get to know you and I'd enjoy having the chance to hear about your summer break.

As I briefly talked to people as they came in and out of my office today I learned that some of you have done some great service outreach and others of you are still looking for volunteer activities to build your community service resumes. The September 14th (WKHS vs Dublin Scioto) football game will include a military tribute and Mr. Weary has been working really hard to plan some very impressive activities for the game. Today I heard from a representative of the "Thank You Foundation" and it looks like there will be some opportunities for you to help volunteer leading up to the game. I wanted to give you a heads up on this now as I know there are lots of students looking for projects and I will pass along details as soon as I know more - hopefully tomorrow.

Well, I hope you don't have too much homework. Just think, 2 more days and then you have a long weekend! :-) That doesn't sound too bad does it?

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